Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. We're over two weeks behind now. And I've not been very good....well, last week I was but the week before I was not in a picture taking groove. So I've had to cheat. Again. You will get some "flashback" pictures as well as some "filler" pix - they represent what was going on that day....maybe just were not taken on that day.
As usual....pix are from the most recent to the oldest. Hold onto your socks - this might be so thrilling that I knock them off!
Week 30 of 52
We spent this week going all-natural on the hair: finger-combing only, trying out different lots of hair pix this week. And I'll do a hair post soon to let you know what I learned this week.
2010: 07/29
Just a picture of Mari's hair in the morning...when it looks tame.
2010: 07/28She asked me for "cold green peas" to make her boo-boo feel better. BTW - there was no actual boo-boo to be seen.
2010: 07/27Just another hair picture - curls looking luscious.
2010: 07/26You guessed it - another hair picture. After being soaked in the sprinkler.
2010: 07/25Birthday party at the roller rink. Mari rocked it - she skates much better without holding my hand but she couldn't be convinced of that. Luckily one of her little friends from school was there, so they skated together.
2010: 07/24Birthday party/cookout for a friend. I love that Mari is the only one looking at the camera in this picture. Cute.
2010:07/23Just playing around with some pix.
Week 29 of 52Ahem....a few "filler" pix here. Sorry.
2010: 07/22
Just feel like Mari's coloring is getting SO much better. She is really learning to take her time.
20102009: 07/21Flashback picture!! Yup, this is from last year on this date.
Mari still loves watercoloring best of all her artsy skills.
2010: 07/20Took a bunch of videos this day - Mari singing Bible songs in the tub. Something about the tub puts her in a singing good mood. Here's the
only pic I took this day....Mari relaxing and singing.
20102008: 07/19Can you believe how little she was? We had only been home about 6 months here.
What a little ray of sunshine!
2010: 07/18Probably my favorite non-natural style. So beautiful, so easy, so "Mari"
2010: 07/17
Oh so tired.
2010: 07/16
I told Mari to pose on the rocking chair, so I got the "monster face." Sigh.
Are your socks still on? Was that exciting or what? I promise to try a little harder in the coming weeks. I promise to also put up some posts that are real posts....we are long overdue for a real update. So stay tuned.
I love the pics. Mari is so cute, and her hair is beautiful!
I love the curls {and the monster face!}. I can't believe how much she's grown!!!
Really, really sorry about the head bonk! I had no idea it was actually frozen-pea worthy!
can't believe Mari is growing up so quickly!!! from the rollerskating to the beautiful's happening too soon :(
Oh, she's so pretty! I love her hair... and the picture of her sleeping when she was sick was gorgeous! (Sorry she was sick though :))
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